Alright...sending out mails to alert folks on the ol' mailing list. Anybody that got my email update...hey there...bookmark this site!. Should be getting a couple little paintings up today. That'll be on a separate blog...look to the right for that link. Thanks.
Hey, I received your email update. Nice job with the blog.
It's also good to hear that one of your projects is to complete the book on maquette fabrication.
I hope you enjoyed the holidays.
thanks Callan
Received it too, and gived the link to folks ^^.
I like this gallery, more! more! ;)
Pretty expressiv work.
Hola, hemos agregado un trackback (enlace hacia este artículo) en el nuestro ya que nos pareció muy interesante la información detallada pero no quisimos copiarla, sino que nuestros lectores vengan directamente a la fuente. Gracias... datacrédito
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